WEBSITE DATA PRIVACY INFORMATION updated to EU Reg 2016/679 (European Regulation on the protection of personal data) of the website
This information describes the methods of data management of this website, it is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Reg. 679/2016 and provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data. According to the law, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.
The information is provided by D.T.E. DESIGN TECNOLOGY ENGINEERING S.R.L. as data controller of the data collected through the site mentioned above (therefore excluding other websites or electronic spaces owned by third parties accessible through links, even if present on the pages of this site).
The collection of user data takes place through the compilation of electronic forms for requesting information on the pages of the site; the authorization to process data by the owner of this site is explicitly requested from the user by selecting the appropriate confirmation check shown on the form.
Before submitting any request, users are invited to read this information which specifies the limits, purposes and methods of data processing.
Type of data processed and purpose of the processing
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
These data are kept for the time necessary to carry out these activities, except for any investigations of computer crimes against the site.
No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated, except to fulfill the obligations established by laws, regulations or community regulations.
Data provided voluntarily by users
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of information through the electronic forms or by e-mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address (which is necessary in order to be able to respond to requests) as well as any other personal data requested by the form or inserted in the message.
The acquired data will be processed by the owner and/or by third parties, together with whom the owner provides the service requested by the user. The data will be processed to respond to the request or to provide the service; they may also be used for information, promotional and commercial purposes relating to products, services and initiatives offered by D.T.E. DESIGN TECNOLOGY ENGINEERING S.R.L. The communication of data to third parties will take place only if this is necessary in order to comply with the request received.
You can find all the information about what cookies are and how they are used on this site by visiting the information page on the use of cookies by the website.
Method of treatment
The treatment is carried out through automated tools and/or manually for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the regulatory provisions in force on the matter. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
Optional provision of data
Apart from that specified for navigation data, users are free to provide (or not to provide) their personal data. Failure to provide such data can only make it impossible to obtain what has been requested.
Owner, managers and categories of appointees
The owner and manager of the treatment is: D.T.E. DESIGN TECNOLOGY ENGINEERING S.R.L.
with registered office in Via Carlo Leone, 25 – 10098 Rivoli (Cascine Vica) TO – Italy
telephone: +39.011.582.37.29
PEC email:
In addition to the employees and collaborators of D.T.E. DESIGN TECNOLOGY ENGINEERING S.R.L., the processing of personal data may also be carried out by third parties, to whom the company entrusts certain activities (or part of them) connected or instrumental to carrying out the processing or providing the requested services. In this case, the same subjects will operate as independent owners, co-owners, or will be appointed as managers or persons in charge of the treatment.
Rights of the interested parties
With reference to the articles: art. 15 right of access, art. 16 right of rectification, art. 17 right to cancellation, art. 18 right to limitation of treatment, art. 20 right to portability, art. 21 right of opposition, art. 22 right of opposition to the automated decision-making process of the GDPR 679/2016, the interested party exercises his rights by writing to the Data Controller, or by e-mail to the address, specifying the subject of his request, the right he intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document certifying the legitimacy of the request.
Changes to this information
This information may be subject to changes over time (for example changes in regulations, or the introduction of new services offered by this site) therefore we invite users to check the changes by periodically consulting this page.
Last update: 27/09/2018